+371 2 252 33 99

Full curtain cleaning service:
Remove, clean, iron and install the curtain back

Promotion: Get FREE replacement curtains while your curtains are being cleaned!

Calculate dry cleaning cost

Why choose us?

Fast curtain cleaning process (up to 3-4 days)
High-quality performance of work using professional detergents and equipment (including the possibility of cleaning with hypoallergenic detergents)
Additional cleaning and restoration services all in one place. First, we will remove the dirt, and then we will restore the fabrics.
Additional cleaning and restoration services all in one place. First, we will remove the dirt, and then we will restore the fabrics.


Choose the type of curtains you want to clean:

The service of removing and hanging the curtains back is included in the price.

How many curtains you need to clean?



Tulle and Austrian curtains – from 3€ per sq.m.
Drapes and Blackout curtains – from 4.5€ per sq.m.
Roman shades and Japanese blinds – from 9€ per sq.m.
Decorative elements – upon the request

A separate service is available for dry cleaning and restoration of curtains.
Discounts are available for HomeStory customers.

How it works?

Find out the nearest date
Arrive and remove the dirty curtains free of charge
Clean with special detergents (incl. hypoallergenic detergents) on our own professional equipment
Clean with special detergents (incl. hypoallergenic detergents) on our own professional equipment
Leave a request


Homestory Riga
Based on 68 reviews
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Viktoriy YaViktoriy Ya
16:50 19 Jun 24
16:06 17 Apr 24
Tik labus vārdus varu teikt par pakalpojuma kvalitāti un attieksmi! Izmazgāja un uzstādīja atpakaļ👍🏻. Paldies un Veiksmi darbos!
Lauma VernereLauma Vernere
09:15 13 Apr 24
Lielisks un ļoti operatīvs serviss par ļoti adekvātu cenu. Atbrauca, ātri noņēma aizkarus un jau pēc pāris dienām atbrauca un tos tīrus in izgludinātus pielika atpakaļ. Man kā klientam nebija ne par ko jāuztraucās. No visas sirds varu ieteikt izmantot šādu pakalpojumu un dzīvot ar tīriem aizkariem.
Diana StafeckaDiana Stafecka
16:04 09 Apr 24
Kristīne EglīteKristīne Eglīte
08:15 03 Apr 24
Ļoti ātri un operativi izmazgāja aizkarus un tos arī uzlika atpakaļ pie logiem!Kolosāli!
Andrejs LohmatovsAndrejs Lohmatovs
09:38 28 Mar 24
"Izpildīja pasūtījumu ļoti ātri, jau nedēļu vēlāk man bija jauni aizkari. Materiālu kvalitāte ir izcila, laba cena, ātrs serviss. Noteikti iesaku 👍
Gabriela NikitinaGabriela Nikitina
09:55 29 Nov 23
Liels paldies visai jūsu komandai par jūsu ieguldījumu mūsu komforta un skaistuma nodrošināšanā mūsu mājās! Ļoti jauki un laipni puiši, kas strādā pie jums, noteikti sazināšos ar jums vēlreiz.
Anna ŠatilovaAnna Šatilova
18:11 26 Nov 23
Lieliska kompānija. Noteikti iesaku. Atbrauca dizainere, palīdzēja ar izvēli un ideju, visu uzmērīja, sataisīja tāmi un vizualizāciju, un pēc nedēļas mums bija jauni aizkari.Viss tika izdarīts ātri, audumi bija kvalitatīvi, uzstādīšana bija ātra un profesionāla, un cenas bija saprātīgas attiecībā pret kvalitāti.
Alona SolovjovaAlona Solovjova
13:39 25 Nov 23
Ātri. Kvalitatīvi. Ar vislabākajām rūpēm par klientu. Rekomendēju👍🏻
Kristina PantjukaKristina Pantjuka
09:58 17 Nov 23
Ļoti apmierināts ar kvalitāti un paveikto darbu. Iesakām visiem 👍
Super serviss! Viss skaidrs! Veiktā darba kvalitāte ir visaugstākajā līmenī! ES iesaku!
Inese A.Inese A.
11:08 20 Oct 23
Esmu ļoti apmierināta gan ar kvalitāti, gan servisu. Iesaku!
Davron MadirimovDavron Madirimov
13:05 30 Jul 23
Kvalitatīva aizkaru tīrīšana. Tīrīšanas laikam ir aizvietotājs.
Natalija KaufmaneNatalija Kaufmane
12:24 28 Jul 23
Pasūtīju aizkaru tīrīšanu no Homestory un biju ļoti apmierināta ar rezultātu.Paldies par paveikto darbu.Kvalitatīvi un noteiktajā laikā.
Evija MatvejaEvija Matveja
14:20 07 Jul 23
Paldies, super ātri un man kā klientam ļoti patika!!
Mārcis BuhholcsMārcis Buhholcs
17:57 07 Jun 23
Pēteris IsajevsPēteris Isajevs
12:54 05 Jun 23
Maija LielpinkaMaija Lielpinka
14:49 01 Jun 23
Profesionāla un individuāla pieeja klientam. Tika atrasts veiksmīgs risinājums aizkariem nestandarta telpai ar augstiem griestiem. HomeStory dizaineris atbrauca un visu nomērīja, palīdzēja orientēties lielajā audumu klāstā, piemeklēja atbilstošas krāsas, ieteica labāko risinājumu un sagatavoja vizualizāciju. Iznākums fantastisks! Darbs tika paveikts ātrāk kā plānots un ļoti kvalitatīvi!
Jolanta LukasevicaJolanta Lukasevica
15:16 05 May 23
Paldies.Aizkari iztīrīti lieliski. Iepriekš arī tikām brīdināti, ka lins vat apstrādes procesā sarauties, kas arī mūsu gadījumā tā notikās, Bet tikpat ātri cik problēma tika pamanīta, tikpat operatīvi problēma tika risināta- tās pašas dienas laikā aizkariem maliņa tika pagarināta un aizkari piekārti savā vajadzīgajā garumā, atpakaļ. Paldies meistaram Ņikitam. Meistarīgi, laipni ,pieklājīgi un ātri.
Liene MKLiene MK
16:59 05 Apr 23
Lielisks serviss - atstāju kontaktus, ļoti drīz piezvanīja, atbrauca, noņēma, iztīrīja (arī melnus traipus no aizkaru iespiešanas durvīs), pielika atpakaļ - viss dažu dienu laikā.
Una BekUna Bek
16:23 28 Mar 23
Ļoti izcils serviss aizkaru tīrīšanai. Atbrauc, noņem, iztīra kvalitatīvi, atved un pieliek. Iesaku
Inga DerznikeleInga Derznikele
10:41 22 Feb 23
Ļoti ērts serviss cilvēkiem, kuri vērtē savu laiku un enerģiju. Patīkama apkalpošana👌Tagad tīrs un smaržīgs aizkars, kuru pašai būtu grūti gan noņemt, gan izmazgāt, nesabojājot to.
Paldies! Esam ļoti apmierināti ar rezultātu! Izdarīts ātrāk nekā norunāts ❤️
Ludmila SvirbuteLudmila Svirbute
08:49 07 Dec 22
Paldies!! Izcilas kvalitātes aizkari, labas cenas un ātra apkalpošana! ES iesaku
Marija PlotnieceMarija Plotniece
12:09 19 Oct 22
Labākais pieejamais serviss Rīgā, LV. Patiešām. Adekvāta cena, perfekta kvalitāte, vienmēr laikā vai pat ātrāk. Pārsniedzot visas iespējamās cerības. Tīri profesionāļi. ĻOTI IESAKAMS
Aivars RamsAivars Rams
10:14 30 Sep 22
Sanita PutninaSanita Putnina
14:58 10 Jun 22
Ļoti profesionāla vadītāja, ieteiks pašu labāko priekš Jums. Draudzīgas cenas. Silti iesaku, patiesi jauka attieksme! :)
Viktoriy YaViktoriy Ya
16:50 19 Jun 24
Michelle BelkinaMichelle Belkina
08:22 19 Jun 24
Great service!!! I ordered curtains to be washed. They organized the arrival of the master on the day of my request, the master arrived, took down the curtains, signed everything, where they hung, so as not to get confused, washed it in a few days, the master arrived, hung everything back. Communication on WhatsApp is fast and convenient! The issue is resolved. Thank you!
15:30 11 Jun 24
Very good service, fast and quality. Provides replacement curtains.
Gunay SafarovaGunay Safarova
13:46 30 May 24
Super 👍👍
15:19 28 May 24
Very large selection of fabric, excellent service and fast work!
Diana StafeckaDiana Stafecka
16:04 09 Apr 24
Gabriela NikitinaGabriela Nikitina
09:55 29 Nov 23
Many thanks to your entire team for your contribution to our comfort and beauty in our homes! Very nice and kind guys who work for you, I will definitely contact you again.
Anna ŠatilovaAnna Šatilova
18:11 26 Nov 23
Great company. I definitely recommend it. The designer arrived, helped with the choice and idea, measured everything, made an estimate and visualization, and a week later we had new curtains.Everything was done quickly, the fabrics were of good quality, the installation was fast and professional, and the prices were reasonable in relation to the quality.
Alona SolovjovaAlona Solovjova
13:39 25 Nov 23
Quickly. Qualitatively. With the best customer care. I recommend 👍🏻
Kristina PantjukaKristina Pantjuka
09:58 17 Nov 23
Very pleased with the quality and work done. We recommend it to everyone 👍
Super service! Everything is clear! The quality of the work performed is top notch! I recommend!
Katerina LevakovaKaterina Levakova
14:41 06 Sep 23
the highest quality service: fast, good but not very expensive, plus polite and attentive.
Mārcis BuhholcsMārcis Buhholcs
17:57 07 Jun 23
Pēteris IsajevsPēteris Isajevs
12:54 05 Jun 23
Maija LielpinkaMaija Lielpinka
14:49 01 Jun 23
Professional and individual approach to the client. A successful solution for curtains for a non-standard room with high ceilings was found. The HomeStory designer came and measured everything, helped navigate the large range of fabrics, found suitable colors, suggested the best solution and prepared a visualization. The result is fantastic! The work was done faster than planned and very high quality!
Liene MKLiene MK
16:59 05 Apr 23
Excellent service - I left my contacts, they called very soon, came, removed, cleaned (also black stains from pressing the curtains in the door), put it back - all within a few days.
Ovs MiOvs Mi
17:47 21 Feb 23
Very satisfied. Everything from the moment of acceptance of the order and execution at the highest level. Selection of materials, visualization and work in the house professionally.Outstanding customer care.Contact us - the result will exceed your expectations.
Thank you! We are very pleased with the result! Done faster than agreed ❤️
Ludmila SvirbuteLudmila Svirbute
08:49 07 Dec 22
Thanks!! Excellent quality curtains, good prices and fast service! I recommend
Marija PlotnieceMarija Plotniece
12:09 19 Oct 22
The very best service available in Riga, LV. For real. Adequate price, perfect quality, always on time or even faster. Exceeding all possible expectations. Pure professionals. VERY MUCH RECOMMENDED
Aivars RamsAivars Rams
10:14 30 Sep 22
The best!
Sanita PutninaSanita Putnina
14:58 10 Jun 22
A very professional manager, will recommend the best for you. Friendly prices. I warmly recommend, really nice attitude! :)
Viktoriy YaViktoriy Ya
16:50 19 Jun 24
Michelle BelkinaMichelle Belkina
08:22 19 Jun 24
Great service!!! I ordered curtains to be washed. They organized the arrival of the master on the day of my request, the master arrived, took down the curtains, signed everything, where they hung, so as not to get confused, washed it in a few days, the master arrived, hung everything back. Communication on WhatsApp is fast and convenient! The issue is resolved. Thank you!
15:30 11 Jun 24
Very good service, fast and quality. Provides replacement curtains.
Gunay SafarovaGunay Safarova
13:46 30 May 24
Super 👍👍
15:19 28 May 24
Very large selection of fabric, excellent service and fast work!
Diana StafeckaDiana Stafecka
16:04 09 Apr 24
Gabriela NikitinaGabriela Nikitina
09:55 29 Nov 23
Many thanks to your entire team for your contribution to our comfort and beauty in our homes! Very nice and kind guys who work for you, I will definitely contact you again.
Anna ŠatilovaAnna Šatilova
18:11 26 Nov 23
Great company. I definitely recommend it. The designer arrived, helped with the choice and idea, measured everything, made an estimate and visualization, and a week later we had new curtains.Everything was done quickly, the fabrics were of good quality, the installation was fast and professional, and the prices were reasonable in relation to the quality.
Alona SolovjovaAlona Solovjova
13:39 25 Nov 23
Quickly. Qualitatively. With the best customer care. I recommend 👍🏻
Kristina PantjukaKristina Pantjuka
09:58 17 Nov 23
Very pleased with the quality and work done. We recommend it to everyone 👍
Super service! Everything is clear! The quality of the work performed is top notch! I recommend!
Katerina LevakovaKaterina Levakova
14:41 06 Sep 23
the highest quality service: fast, good but not very expensive, plus polite and attentive.
Mārcis BuhholcsMārcis Buhholcs
17:57 07 Jun 23
Pēteris IsajevsPēteris Isajevs
12:54 05 Jun 23
Maija LielpinkaMaija Lielpinka
14:49 01 Jun 23
Professional and individual approach to the client. A successful solution for curtains for a non-standard room with high ceilings was found. The HomeStory designer came and measured everything, helped navigate the large range of fabrics, found suitable colors, suggested the best solution and prepared a visualization. The result is fantastic! The work was done faster than planned and very high quality!
Liene MKLiene MK
16:59 05 Apr 23
Excellent service - I left my contacts, they called very soon, came, removed, cleaned (also black stains from pressing the curtains in the door), put it back - all within a few days.
Ovs MiOvs Mi
17:47 21 Feb 23
Very satisfied. Everything from the moment of acceptance of the order and execution at the highest level. Selection of materials, visualization and work in the house professionally.Outstanding customer care.Contact us - the result will exceed your expectations.
Thank you! We are very pleased with the result! Done faster than agreed ❤️
Ludmila SvirbuteLudmila Svirbute
08:49 07 Dec 22
Thanks!! Excellent quality curtains, good prices and fast service! I recommend
Marija PlotnieceMarija Plotniece
12:09 19 Oct 22
The very best service available in Riga, LV. For real. Adequate price, perfect quality, always on time or even faster. Exceeding all possible expectations. Pure professionals. VERY MUCH RECOMMENDED
Aivars RamsAivars Rams
10:14 30 Sep 22
The best!
Sanita PutninaSanita Putnina
14:58 10 Jun 22
A very professional manager, will recommend the best for you. Friendly prices. I warmly recommend, really nice attitude! :)



WEEKDAYS 10:00 – 18:00

Convenient parking facilities are accessible on 11 Ērgļu Street, just on the other side of our establishment.
To obtain access to parking,
kindly contact us at +371 2252 33 99.

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Book a consultation with our designer

    Make an appointment for a consultation with our designer and we will help you choose curtains for your home. Please leave your phone number, we will also be happy to call you back to answer your query.

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